Cheese Pizza (“The Vivian”) Directions

YOUR KIT INCLUDES: 1 dough, 1 bag of tomato sauce, 2 bags of cheese.

YOU WILL NEED: salt, pepper, olive oil, a heavy duty sheet pan, an oven, an appetite.

Set dough out to bring to room temp* (usually takes about an hour, so plan ahead!).

Preheat oven to 475. Lightly oil a heavy duty sheet pan**, place dough in the center.

Wet your clean hands, and gently massage dough out to the edges of the sheet pan. This dough will be very pliable if it is fully relaxed at room temperature. If it's still cold, it will be difficult (see pro tip below). If it tears or there are holes, don't panic! Just tear off a little dough from one of the edges (I look to see if there's an extra thick corner) and patch it up! Remember, none of this should be perfect. The more rustic, the better. If your pizza has a hole in it, it will still taste delicious.

Spread sauce all over dough. I personally recommend going all the way to the edge, but if you'd like more crust, feel free to leave no more than an inch around the parameter.

Sprinkle cheese. Lightly season with salt, but use a heavy hand when seasoning with pepper. Be sure to sprinkle pepper all along the edges- it makes the dough extra delicious!

Drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 18 minutes. Remove from oven, sprinkle with fresh grated parmesan, if desired. Cut pizza into either 8 large squares, or 16 smaller rectangles, depending on your mood and how many are eating. Try to wait 5-10 minutes, as to avoid burning the roof of your mouth!

*If you're running behind or forgot to take the dough out of the fridge ahead of time, I place the sheet pan with the dough on top of the stove while it's heating up, massaging it out to the edges every couple of minutes.

**I highly recommend using a heavy duty, ridged sheet pan. These are the ones I prefer and love. I have about 10 of them on hand at any time. They last for years, and truly provide the best results: Not an ad! Just a happy, repeat customer!